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This page is dedicated to the players and staff of Elisedal Football Club.
Gothenburg Celtic Supporters Club
Great Site
Here is our current player list
Andy Burke (Player Manager of A Team)
Tony Wearing (Player Manager of B Team)
Azad Mohammed
Billy Finn
Chris Case
Conny Lindberg
Filip Acke
Gordon Scholes
Graham Booker
Ian Corner
James Prentice
Jimmy Murphy
Lenny Lyons
Magnus Johansson
Martin Thompson
Mikael Sorensson
Otis Angus
Pete Mayoh
Rob Cannon
Scott Murray
Stephen Kennedy
Steve Dawson
Steve Drury
Terry Baines
Thomas Johansson
Toni Dilieto
Orjan Sundin
Stefan Johansson
Andreas Karrbrink
Chris Shortman
Robert Best
Gary Heaver
Chairman Scott Murray
Treasurer Olle Svensson
Secretary Lenny Lyons
Committee Members Jimmy Murphy Steve Dawson Ake Olsson